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李升,男,1986,山东临沂人,工学博士。主持或者参与多项国家级或省级课题,累计科研经费超过100万元。近3年,在《Corrosion Science》、《International Journal of Bioprinting》、《Journal of Magnesium and Alloys》、《Materials Chemistry Frontiers》等国内外期刊发表多篇SCI高水平论文,包括高被引热点论文,中科院一区论文,Top期刊论文;授权专利10余项;指导的学生多次获得研究生学业一等奖学金、研究生创新研究项目、省级研究生能源装备比赛三等奖、大学生课外学术作品竞赛挑战杯一等奖、大学生创新创业互联网+一等奖、大学生创新训练项目等荣誉,荣获长沙市创战计星城创客大赛优秀团队奖,大学生创新创业导师、湖南省第二届微课大赛职业教育组团队三等奖









(1) 湖南省科技厅, 面上项目, 23A4312, 自激励溶解铁基生物复合物的电火花烧结成型机理及其降解行为研究, 2023-1 2025-12, 5.0万元, 在研;

 (2) 湖南省教育厅, 青年重点项目, 21B0596, 低温烧结铁基生物复合物及其降解驱动机理研究, 2021-10 2024-09, 4.0万元, 在研;

 (3) 国家自然科学基金委员会, 面上项目, 81871494, 磁性纳米复合人工骨的激光增材制备及成骨机理研究, 2019-01-01 2020-12-31, 25万元, 结题;

(4) 湖南省教育厅, 一般项目, 18C1387, 车用AZ31镁合金表面原位结合耐磨强硬化机制及耐腐蚀性能研究, 2018-12 2020-11, 1.2万元, 结题。



1.       A friction coefficient measurement device for zinc-based alloy bone implants 国际发明专利

2.       A heat-resistant dissolvable fracturing ball国际发明专利

3.       一种低熔点致密成型大段骨缺损植入物方法202111581697.2

4.       一种自催化降解多孔铁基骨植入物及其制备方法202210154257.7

5.       一种酸化钝化膜加快溶解的铁基骨植入物及其制备方法202210354112.1

6.       一种医用锌基纳米复合骨植入物及其制备方法202210357175.2



[1]  Combined effects of rapid dissolution and micro-acidification accelerated Fe biodegradation for orthopedic applications [J]. Corrosion Science, 2023影响因子 7.720, JCR 1

[2] Microstructure, mechanical property and corrosion behavior of biomedical Zn-Fe alloy prepared by low-temperature sintering[J]. Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2023, 影响因子 6.371, JCR 1 

[3] Dilemmas and countermeasures of Fe-based biomaterials for next-generation bone implants[J]. Journal of Materials Research and Technology, 2022, 影响因子 6.267, JCR 1

[4] A dual redox system for enhancing the biodegradability of Fe-C-Cu composite scaffold [J]. Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces. 2022. 影响因子5.999, JCR 1

[5] Dual alloying improves the corrosion resistance of biodegradable Mg alloys prepared by selective laser melting, Journal of Magnesium and Alloys, 2021, SCI, JCR1,影响因子10.008

[6] MnO2 catalysis of oxygen reduction reaction to accelerate the degradation of Fe-C composites for biomedical applications, Corrosion Science, JCR 1 Top期刊, 2020, JCR 1,影响因子7.205

[7] Biodegradable metallic bone implant, Materials Chemistry Frontiers2019. SCI, Top期刊, 高被引,热点论文,影响因子6.428, JCR 1

[8] Strong corrosion induced by carbon nanotubes to accelerate Fe biodegradation, Materials Science and Engineering C Materials for Biological Applications, 2019,荷兰 SCI, JCR 1, 影响因子7.328Top期刊

[9] Hydrolytic Expansion Induces Corrosion Propagation for Increased Fe Biodegradation, International Journal of Bioprinting, 2020,新加坡 JCR 1, SCI影响因子6.638

[10] A dual redox system for enhancing the biodegradability of Fe-C-Cu composite scaffold, Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces, 2022, 荷兰JCR 1, SCI影响因子5.268

[11] Highly biodegradable and bioactive Fe-Pd-bredigite biocomposites prepared by selective laser melting[J]. Journal of Materials Research and Technology, 2019, 巴西JCR 1, SCI影响因子5.039
